Feb 13, 2020 | Case Studies, News, Testimonial
Jon presented to our clinic on recommendation from a family member after having suffered with years of chronic lower back pain. He had seen numerous therapists and specialists over the years many of whom had told him his hips / pelvis were “out of alignment”. However,...
Dec 13, 2019 | Case Studies, Testimonial
Fari came to us after having seen numerous therapists and specialists for two years. He had been suffering with thoracic pain (pain in the middle of his back). Various tests, including tests on his heart and lungs, had been unable to reveal the reason for his pain. On...
Dec 13, 2019 | Case Studies, Testimonial
We received this lovely testimonial from one of our patients, Pam: “I came to Spine Plus in constant pain and desperate, unable to stand up straight, with crippling sciatica down my leg and my ability to stand or walk reduced to almost no time at all. I couldn’t...
Dec 7, 2019 | Case Studies, Testimonial
Vicki, a keen walker, was referred to us from her spinal surgeon as he thought we might be able to help her avoid surgery for her long standing low back pain and sciatica due to spinal stenosis (from two degenerative discs, one involving a central disc protrusion)....
Dec 6, 2019 | Case Studies, Testimonial
Golda suffered an acute strain to her back whilst exercising one week prior to coming to our clinic. We diagnosed and acute disc injury with L5 nerve root entrapment. After one session of manipulation and just one session of IDD Therapy Golda was on the mend and...
Feb 19, 2013 | Case Studies, Testimonial
37 year old Reehan suffered with severe sciatica for over 12 months due to a large disc herniation. During that time he had tried numerous therapies including physiotherapy, chiropractic and podiatry unfortunately without any improvement in his symptoms. He then...