Spine Plus
Spine Plus

When back pain strikes it can be excruciatingly painful and can often flare up without any warning. This article will explain some of the most common habits that cause back pain which will help you consciously prevent further back pain in future.

Bad posture or slouching can cause back pain

Whether you’re sitting at a desk on a chair which doesn’t support you, wearing a heavy rucksack, or slouching when walking, having bad posture during your daily activities can put strain on your muscles in your back or put pressure on your spine. You can also strain discs in the lower back through slouching due to the limited nerve supply to the discs in the spine, the accumulative strain on the disc often goes unnoticed until a tear forms in the outer disc (an annular tear) or a disc bulge is produced pressing on a nerve to the leg (causing sciatica). When we’re tired as well, it’s very easy to slump our back and sitting for long periods of time can place extra pressure on your back and is one of the most common habits that cause back pain.  Try to ensure you sit correctly when working, or even change the chair you use to prevent bad posture. When you’re feeling tired, try to become more aware of your posture to prevent any pain arising. Heavy rucksacks should spread the weight evenly between each shoulder and reduce the amount of time you have it on your back.


Using an old bed mattress or not turning it frequently could cause back pain

Over time old bed mattresses lose their firmness and can sag significantly which makes you lie awkwardly in bed and can cause back pain. Even using new mattresses but not turning them frequently enough will make them change shape. It’s easy to forget how important your bed mattress condition is and you may not even notice your posture in bed but getting it right can help to prevent back pain. We’d recommend turning your mattress as frequently as once every fortnight, making sure to alternate between flipping it horizontally and vertically. Of course, some advanced mattresses may have other recommendations, so always refer to the manufacturer’s instructions when you buy a new mattress for your bed.


Lack of exercise can cause back pain

If you’re not regularly exercising and giving your back muscles a gentle work out every week, then it’s quite possible you’ll develop back pain, since your spine needs the surrounding muscles to help support it and keep it upright in the correct position. Leading a sedentary lifestyle can weaken the muscles and also any injury you may suffer to your back could take longer to heal if you’re unfit.


Heavy lifting could lead to back pain

There is an art to lifting heavy loads and many people when they’re in a rush or inexperienced with lifting heavy items can easily fall victim to back pain if they put strain on their back. The golden rule to heavy lifting is to ‘bend your knees’ and use the muscles in your legs to lift items, keeping your back straight. It’s also advisable to avoid twisting your back when lifting heavy things as this can put undue pressure on your spine.


Wearing high heels or sandals can be a cause of back pain

If you continually find yourself wearing the same footwear which doesn’t help support your back such as sandals or high heels, then this can lead to back pain. Having sandals or flip flops without heel straps can make your feet move either side, unevenly spreading your weight on your feet which can put pressure on your back. The effect of wearing high heels continuously will make you arch your back, placing strain on your back. Changing your footwear style regularly and stopping when the slightest pain emerges when walking in unusual footwear, will help combat these bad effects on your back.


Having recurring back pain and need attention in London?

Back pain shouldn’t be suffered through and there are many treatments available to ease or soothe your pain. Here at Spine Plus we provide expert back pain treatment and have several osteopathy clinics around London to help get your ‘back on track’. To book your back pain treatment appointment with us, please visit our contact page to find your nearest Spine Plus Clinic to speak to one of our team who will be happy to help manage your back pain.