Nov 13, 2023 | Case Studies, News
Oliver Price (actor & former professional athlete) came to us with a niggling shoulder injury. Investigations including MRI, and ultrasound were inconclusive. We were struggling to get Oliver better with our usual tools, dry needling, massage, manipulation and...
Nov 8, 2023 | Case Studies, News, Uncategorized
Joe came to Spine Plus complaining of heel pain due to Plantar Fasciitis, the pain was stopping him from running and playing sports, in the video below he describes how he was helped by shockwave...
Nov 8, 2023 | Case Studies, News, Testimonial
Pretty came to our Woodford Clinic have suffered with heel pain for a whole year! After assessing her we elected to try shockwave therapy to treat her inflammation in combination with acupuncture to help release the taut bands of muscle in the sole of her foot that...
Nov 1, 2023 | Case Studies, News
Denise came to us suffering with extreme heel pain restricted her walking and being able to wear the shoes she liked. She was diagnosed with Plantar Fasciitis, for which she received (radial) shock wave therapy at our Hornchurch clinic. She noticed an improvement...
Oct 12, 2023 | Case Studies, Testimonial
Nadeem, a teacher from Ilford, contacted us after having suffered with several months of debilating sciatic pain in his leg causing him to be unable to stand straight, rely on crutches and experience extreme difficulty in everyday tasks. Nadeem was keen to avoid...
Jul 7, 2023 | Case Studies, Testimonial
Matthew presented to our Hornchurch clinic with a 10 years history of coccyx pain following a fall. An MRI organised by use revealed he had been living with a subluxed (misplaced) terminal segment to his coccyx (tailbone) almost certainly as a result of the fall all...